Thursday 16 September 2010

starting research

Three directors whose film styles i like:

Guy Ritchie

A British film director of films such as Lock, stock & Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Snatch (2000) He was a huge contributor to the British Gangster Genre.

Quentin Tarantino

An American director of films such as Kill Bill (2003), Death Proof (2007), Jackie brown (1997) but my favourite movie he directed would defiantly be Pulp fiction (1994). This movie has different stories of peoples lives merge in one. I loved this movie full of action and suspense.

Steven Spielberg

An American Director of films such as Jaws, E.T, Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List. He has directed some of the most successful films in their time. Often know as the 'Peter Pan' of the film industry, his films are all based around family and children- ironically not having children of his own. My favourite film of his would be E.T it made my cry and laugh.

what is an 'auteur'?

A film maker who has a distinct personal style. An example of this would be Alfred Hitchcock, as he uses the same visual style and type of cinematography in each of his films. He also used repeated themes in his movies. e.g the wrong man falsely accused.

what is 'cinema Verite'?

a style of documentary film making that appears to be realistic- showing ordinary people in ordinary situations speaking in normal dialogue. An example of this style would be from the recent 'Paranormal Activity' this film was shot in a naturalistic documental way that promtes realism

what is an 'avant- garde film'?

experimental film or experimental cinema, describes a range of filmmaking styles that are generally quite different from, and often opposed to, the practices of mainstream commercial and documentary filmmaking, often go against the conventions of film making. The word avant-garde is french for 'ahead of the crowd' - but we would now use the word 'cutting edge'

what is 'film noir'?

A Genre/ type of film, mainly produced in Hollywood during 1940s and 1950s, which depicts 'dark' themes. particularly those that emphasise cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. An

what is the 'french new wave' about?

was a blanket term influenced by Italian Neorealism and classical Hollywood cinema. coined by critics for a group of French film makers of the late 1950's and 1960s.


This film is my favourite short film we have found/seen. From the start of this film we are aware that the genre is action and at the end of the short film it could be placed in another genre category- Comedy, the pace of the movement and editing is fast and the camera is mostly handheld with 3 shot that are static this creates tension and realism.

The Black Hole was made in 2008, by British directors 'Phil and Olly'. The story is of a sleep-deprived office worker, who accidentally discovers a black hole, in a piece of paper. He then uses it to steal from a candy machine, and then greed gets the better of him when he tries to steal money from the office's safe.If I were to put The Black Hole into a genre, it would have to be comedy. This is because it is funny at the end when they only character attempts to take his greed further. What I like about this short film is the use of colour and sound. The colour is very grey and blue, which is trying to make office life seem incredibly dull. The use of sound adds to the story, and to the dullness of the office; there is no music, just continued office noises such as photocopiers and scanners.

Another short film of three minutes. Here a shy girl meets a shy boy- and find a new way of expressing their affection. Again set in a boring office. however the music and the colourful post-it notes contrast with this dullness. Like the clip above this short film has no dialogue- this is an effective way to literally show the audience what is happening.

' sometimes little questions need big answers' this short film two and a-half minutes is a comedy. This film, unlike the other two has dialogue. Although funny from the beginning the punchline is only revealed in the last line. This clip had good comments and reviews on it.